


The Shocking Truth Is Revealed...

Mega Mama Ultra Restore is disrupting the weight loss industry and for very good reason.

For years, the weight loss industry has struggled with providing millions of women who have had a kid(s) with the answers they desperately seek. They've searched high and low for a way that women can get their bodies back, but they've continued to ignore the basic science of Post-Pregnancy(s) body chemistry.

While day after day, you are getting more depressed that your body will 'never quite be the same'.

From the vicious cycle of cutting calories, carbs, fat, etc. to squeezing in workouts that seem to be giving other people results, the weight loss industry can only offer the following advice: eat right, exercise and wear spanx.

There's no denying that there are products and programs out there that offer some good lifestyle choices. Some of them even resulting in a little weight loss. But Women who have had a kid(s), want more than sound advice. You want RESULTS!

You want to know what is going on with all the water retention that comes and goes for no apparent reason, and how to fix it for good.

You want to know where this new arm cellulite is from and why the existing cellulite on your thighs seems to be increasing.

You want your muffin top gone, not hidden under flowy tops.

You want those last few stubborn pounds to go away and never come back!

​You want all of your hard work with diet and exercise to finally pay off.

and most importantly,

You want to look and feel your best again.

Can I get an AMEN?

Fortunately, there's a way you can finally reach your goals!

....You just have to think of your Post-Pregnancy(s) body the same you would if you were building a brand new house. Fantastic design plans and great furniture won't have a chance to shine if you don't lay the foundation. Post-Pregnancy(s) diet and exercise efforts can't be maximized if you haven't replaced the key vitamins and minerals that pregnancy(s) depleted you of.

Certain nutrients are lost during pregnancy(s) and significantly impact how you look and feel afterwards. Mother Nature provided us with enough vitamins and minerals to restore balance, but unfortunately, this is hard to come by without high-quality supplementation.

And if left untreated, you can expect a whole host of body issues in the years to come. Just to name a few, Post-Pregnancy(s) deficiencies have been linked to:

-Water Retention & Swelling
-New or Increased Cellulite *Particularly on the arms and outer thighs.
-Mood Swings
-Inability To Lose Weight
-Weight Gain
-Hair Loss, Brittle Nails & Skin Discoloration

How do we know this?

Because with years of research and the science to back it, we've discovered there is an exact recipe of vitamins and minerals that replenishes what all was lost during pregnancy(s).

But if you think you'll need to go out and buy every vitamin and mineral separately, guess again...

...Because every single ingredient is contained in the ultimate answer to Post-Pregnancy(s) deficiencies: Mega Mama Ultra Restore.

Mega Mama Ultra Restore is the only formula that provides the exact ratio of vitamins & minerals your body must have to treat nutritional deficiencies after pregnancy(s).

Each ingredient, in its exact ratio, plays a critical role in providing your body with exactly what it needs to permanently restore and get rid of the uncomfortable, frustrating symptoms of Post-Pregnancy(s) deficiencies such as water retention, bloating, mood swings, hair loss and inability to lose weight.

In each specific serving, vitamins and minerals work together in their purest forms to replenish what was lost and to combat bothersome symptoms so that you can look and feel your best again.

Best of all, they lay a new foundation for your body that will help maximize your weight loss efforts in other areas such as diet and exercise.

In short, nothing on the market pieces together the exact ratio of vitamins and minerals into a formula that allows Post-Pregnancy restoration weight loss to truly occur until now...

...And the weight loss industry is face palming their foreheads.


Mega Mama's Ultra Restore provides women the exact ratio of nutrients their bodies need for optimal recovery after having been pregnant. With so many benefits to using this unique blend of ingredients, it is no wonder women at all stages are reporting overall symptom relief and an increased sense of well-being after using Ultra Restore on a continued basis.

Magnesium: Magnesium is a vital mineral that assists in reducing fluid retention, breast tenderness, and bloating, as well as metabolic functions, nerve and muscle functions, heart rhythm and energy production. Pregnancy causes magnesium levels to dramatically drop, which in turn decreases your body's ability to metabolize properly. provides the maximum amount of Magnesium to replenish your body's stores to an optimal level.

Calcium: Calcium is crucial for our bodies to function properly, making up 2% of our total body weight. It is estimated that 80% of all American women are Calcium deficient on some level, but the deficiency significantly increases after pregnancy. A pharmaceutical grade Calcium was added to Ultra Restore to assist in correcting deficiencies, as well the uncomfortable symptoms that accompany them such as irritability, nervousness, muscle cramping, fatigue, insomnia and post-pregnancy menstrual problems.

5-MTHF B12: A critical component of our formula, 5-MTHF B12 is the most active, stable, and highly bioavailable form of Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 currently available. 5-MTHF B12 was added to Ultra Restore to support cellular health, methylation, heart health, nerve function and homocysteine managnement during and after childbearing years.

Vitamin D3: Vitamin D is essential for absorbing and maintaining normal calcium metabolism. Ultra Restore yields the exact amount of D3 necessary to maximize Calcium absorption, as well as for proper functioning of the nervous system.

Biotin: Biotin deficiency is one of the leading conditions of post-pregnancy metabolic issues, hair loss, brittle nails, dull skin and low energy. Ultra Restore contains the highest dosage of pure Biotin as to support sluggish, post-pregnancy metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as to promote new growth of lost hair during the pregnancy.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that women should consume after having been pregnant. It provides an antioxidant protection against free radicals and has been shown to help the body absorb some of the major ingredients in Ultra Restore.

Vitamin B-6: Vitamin B6 plays a key role in your metabolism, and a deficiency can lead to many symptoms that may make losing weight difficult. It acts as a coenzyme in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and is a crucial component in regulating a woman's body in the years following pregnancy.

Amino Acids: Amino Acids provide the necessary building blocks for the production of body proteins in women who have been pregnant. Amino Acids were added to Ultra Restore to support fat metabolism and hormone, enzyme and digestive formation.

Manganese: Manganese is a mineral that helps to metabolize fats and protein, as well as being an essential mineral for the formation of the lubricating fluids in the joints and the formation of cartilage. Ultra Restore includes the exact amount of Manganese to give women an extra edge when it comes to weight loss.

Horsetail: Studies have shown that Horsetail may be beneficial for women who have bladder and urinary tract infections and/or a weakened bladder after pregnancy. It may also relieve the persistent urge to urinate with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

Willow Bark: Willow Bark relieves short and long-term inflammation resulting from pregnancy(s). A natural immune system booster, Willow Bark also assists in regulating hormones in women of childbearing ages.

Tumeric: Turmeric is a powerful medicine that has long been used in the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat a wide variety of conditions, including flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, hemorrhage, toothache, bruises, chest pain, and colic. Body chemistry changes from pregnancy significantly benefit from the balancing and healing powers of Tumeric.

Meadowsweet & Ginger: Meadowsweet and Ginger both aid in post-pregnancy digestion, menstrual-related nausea and inflammation resulting from nutritional deficiencies. Ultra Restoreincludes a propietary blend of Meadowsweet and Ginger to support optimal digestive and stomach-related issues.

Rosemary Leaf: Rosemary Leaf is a rich source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that are though to boost the immune system and improve blood circulation. Ultra Restore contains the exact Rosemary Leaf blend that is beneficial to a woman's post-pregnancy body.

Organic Spirulina: Spirulina is very high in bio-available iron, making it beneficial to those with anemia or post-pregnancy fatigue, with reduced risk of constipation. A good source of vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6, B-9, B-12, vitamin E, vitamins K1 and K2, and is also a source of potassium, chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc, all of which are required to re-build a woman's body after pregnancy.

Betaine HCL: Betaine Hydrochloride is an organic compound and vitamin-like substance found in many different foods such as sugar beets, grains and spinach. It is currently being recommended by both Naturopaths, as well as medical Doctors, as a supplemental source of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Our research shows that by including Betaine HCL in our formula, it will profoundly benefit those suffering from post-pregnancy digestive upsets such as hypochlorhydria, a deficiency of stomach acid production.



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